
Z3 tests,experiments,playing

Omg It’s the Masked Dino! :smiley: Just a test also but very exciting. I am getting some Jagged edges on the extract but I suspect that means I need more resolution when I mask. Not too good but hopefully will get better


The Masked Dinoedit.jpg

Fun experiments. I am now using extraction at a setting of .005 for some things. Then tweaking where needed. Talk about conforming clothing lol. I am done with extraction experiments. Mesh insertion next :slight_smile: All of the dark areas are mesh extracts. There is a seperate pants underneath the raised portion of his waist and leg area.



Tom, experimenting the powered tool Mesh Extraction:+1:
is interesting as you show to put the setting we are using, i will do for the next time:D

Heh. Thx Mario. Be sure when using settings that low to tweak (Move)the mesh out some. Gives nice thin appearance. Also when you get jagged edges after masking I have found the pinch tool helps a lot.:+1:

Just checking to see how the extractions look in a contrasting view. Smoothed the shirt out to not show his muscle structure as well



I had time to sit down with z3 again and decided to try transpose. Very powerful tool but I am missing something here. I know its right under my nose too :confused: How do I get the subtools to move with the main mesh? I tried group visible and no luck. Anyone have a clue?



Tom not sure about your issue but…
1.-If you are trying to move part of the object like arm with all the other part staing in the same position, mask all but arm
2.-If you dont want to get sharp contrast between the mask and no mask part press ctrl and drag in the region you decide to get a smooth transition
3.-If you only want to move be sure you dont have masked anything.
Excuse me if not your point

Apparently you can’t yet… :frowning:

Andrew: He wants the subtools to move/distort with the main tools when using transpose. This feature doesn’t work yet.

Thx Mario and Crusoe. I have been exploring to see what I can do. Maybe I can find a workaround.

Tartan good job man, hope I can learn few theorys before plunging into z3 after next 2 months.

If the transpose doesnt work with subtools and main tool together, then
what options we have left ?

  1. Either make zsphere main tool, transpose it into different poses and then move the subtools accordingly ?

might work for bulky items like armour, gaunlets,shoes etc not for things like clothes which move with theshape of body. Possible but time consuming.

  1. get the full detailing done, merge the subtools together (even that is not easy , Marcus gave a solution in the troubleshooting forum) and then transpose the whole mesh together.

how will it effect minute details?- will it stretch them?- only experiments can show.

Tartan let me know what you think, any more ideas?

I know i am giving theory lectures but then we all know we can sudy other planets sitting on this earth and even find water on them. :smiley: :wink:

Hope you can test it out, meanwhile I am drinking all tutorials with my icecream shake

Looks to me like there are two solutions. Work at as low a rez as possible and go from there with insert mesh. Or export out and assemble the pieces in another program and then back:confused: Either way there is a lot of work to be done. Until then we can always pose everything Nekkid :smiley: Save an icecream shake for me also Sunny. Preferab;y chocalate :lol:



Just a bunch of naked posers…:cool:

Now that looks bad, waited so long for Z3 mainly for its posing functionality, this sounds like ‘oh I will have to get xsi under my belt’.

Tartan after inserting mesh in a low poly posed mesh, can you pose it again with less distortions(without increasing the resolution) ?

I was trying mudbox demo today, though it cannot be compared to z3, still even on this 512 mb notebook, it was working very smoothly.

I can bet z3 will work as smoothly as mudbox even with this low ram. :cool:

maybe we can have more details even at low level, can you please take a normal sphere and try to make a detailed human/monster face out of it ? try dividing it only 2-3 times.

if normal detailng can be achieved at low levels then posing with insert mesh will rock, or else back to square 1 ;(

Ya I have a chocolate one waiting for you, i love choco icecream in coke or pepsi. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, i think is possible to do in Subtools, adding new subtool(object or part of it) and then export, reimport and save as tool.:smiley:

I can get a lot better pose than that sunny, It was a first time effort and I wasnt trying to be smooth. Just making a joke lol. I am positive that Pixilogic will have us completely up and running soon. I am just glad I have it now. Theres just sooo many things to experiment with. :slight_smile: :+1:

LOL Giant Sun :smiley:

Mario I will try that. There are several workarounds. Maybe thats the right road :slight_smile:

Still experimenting. Thanks Slosh for the tip on Mrgb object fill. This also provides a huge boost to Zs texturing capabilities:sunglasses: :+1: :bulb:



looking great so far!

Tartan, I took the drinks you adviced me, but I feel more and more pi# off. I just throwed that windows-computer out of the window so I cannot hear anymore those far away from professional stupid noises. Yes I know, a windows machine is more cheap, and there is a lot of software to get for it. But I cannot work with a computer running a fake MacOS.

Bas I think I gave you bad advice now. Calm down and go to sleep. When you wake up in morning go get the computer out of the yard. All it is, is a tool. I dont think they are going to let their thousands of Zbrush mac fans stay in the dark for too long. I know how it is. I tried working on a Mac and I hated it, but only because I was so unfamiliar with it. The same is true for a lot of Mac users that try Windows. Its what you are used to.

Ya i hate max, maya and xsi simply because i love zbrush 2d like interface :slight_smile:

and mudbox is added in the hate list too :smiley:

but just cant throw them out bas, never know what I will need in future.

egads I hated the maya and 3d max interfaces :confused: :lol: