
Pixologic Release: Artist in Action - Cesar Dacol Jr.

Welcome to another release in the Artist in Action series!

In this video, cg artist and traditional creature fx artist, Cesar Dacol Jr. ( aka voodoomonkey) demonstrates his working process using Masks and ZBrush’s sculpting tools to rapidly create incredibly detailed creatures. Along the way, Cesar imparts his wisdom gained from many years as a traditional sculptor and an excellent teacher.

This video shows one of the most innovative uses of masks that I have seen. You will not want to miss out on this!

Download the movie

Learn more about Cesar Dacol Jr. here

Thanks Cesar!

Happy Pixoling!


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Downloading now, sight unseen, many thanks.
These videos (and I might add your superb narrating style) have made them
a welcome treat and valuable addiition to the zbrush arsenal.
Thanks to all involved.

Edit: post download. Wow!!! So that’s how it’s done

cool technique cesar, i’ll have to give that a shot on my next model. thanks for sharing!

Sweet I love these Artist in actions. This is a technique ive been playing with for a while, its very effective though Ive never done it for details. Excellent Job Voodoo Monkey.

Jeezzz… I am gonna be busy this weekend… Greet vid, didn’t know masks could do that for you!
It is kinda weird that in Zbrush you can use masks to get wrinkles, while in real life people use masks to get rid of wrinkles… :smiley:
Thanks a lot!

Thanks Ryan

I love the Artists in Action Series…It’s really helpful seing different peoples workflow and how to integrate it into your own. Between these, the learning series, the user group meetings and interviews what more could we ask for (maybe the next version of zbrush…nah there’s enough to learn as it is now…you don’t know how many times that gets asked in Scott Spencer’s class…we’re just excited that’s all)…a huge thank you from all of us here on the forums and at Gnomon.

-Lawrence Pasion

Oh boy … what an inspirational vid! A perfectly timed creative shot-in-the-arm for me. Thank you, Cesar.

Pretty sweet technique. Thanks for sharing it.

Thx much for this Tut … extremely usefull.:+1:

awesome technique with great results! thanks man

Great tutorial guys! Zbrush never ceases to amaze me with its versitility. Is there nothing this program can’t do?

Always good to see someone else’s workflow!

Great tutorial! Thanks! :slight_smile: One question: I like to use masks too but whenever I draw a mask with quick gestures I get a stream of dots instead of a solid line. Is there a way around this or does it just have to do with the speed of my computer?

Thanks for this - you are so fast - I will definately use this technique as it looks great!!!

Stroke > move the Mouse Average slider to the right (assuming you use a mouse).

Thanks, Moochie! That definitely helps. :slight_smile: Seems to work fine with my tablet too.

Thank you so much for the tutorial! Great learning resource!

Thank you for putting this together. I learned a lot and enjoyed it very much.:+1:


Thats a interesting way of modeling actually!

I never thought this way but its pretty efficient…
Thanks for the tips!

Wow, thanks a lot. I look forward to these. I hope to one day be able to share such gifts.