
Zsphere topology issue

Hi i am currently doing zsphere retopology but i have an issue where when i put in a certain point i am unable to do anything else. it just gives a red line and a white circle around the added point

I couldn’t say what you’ve managed to do there. Zsphere retopology is tricky to use–if you miss a target anywhere along the line, it can cause some confusing issues.

Zsphere retopology has mostly been replaced by the topology brush. I would suggest using that instead, although it does come with its own learning curve.

i see thank you for your quick response i will consider using the topology brush.

i am just think that zsphere retopology would be better for hard surface stuff

It may be nominally easier to precisely place points in Zsphere mode, however, this shouldn’t be a priority. It’s much easier just to pull points into place and flatten surfaces after the low poly topology is generated.

The topology brush has its own quirks, but once you develop skill with it, it is just much faster and slightly more intuitive.

cool i might try it sometime. its just that i might be unable to draw a straight line with the topology brush or draw in hard to reach places of the model

i just quickly tried it out and i think it could work the only issue is that somethings the polygons dont get made when i make a square. sorry if thats was hard to understand

Yes, there are certain types of geometry that Zsphere mode wont understand unless you add additional geometry. Fingers are a common example. If you just try to make the fingers into a 4 sided box, it won’t get the normals right. You’d have to insert an extra line of polygons to get the results you want.

yeah i would imagine that zsphere mode wont work with certain things.

i guess it could be a matter of preference or it depends on what you are trying to retopologize.

i will try to see which method would work better for this object

not sure if its because i am doing shift and dragging the brush over a border but i cant seem to form any polygons.

sorry if i am clearly doing something i shouldn’t.