
ZSphere Critter Guy

I’ve spending a bit more time with ZSpheres over the past while, and came up with this fella. I hadn’t a clear idea what I wanted him to look like, other then a big belly, in combination with a bit of muscle. Sort of a free flow way of doing things. Too bad it’s bed time for me, I could use more practice :wink:


The upper body is very nicely detailed. Just add some more details to the head and you’ll have a very nice model. Good work.

Thanks Rafael. I’m thinking of taking this back to the base ZSpheres, and starting over. Just to see where it would go from a more or less fresh start. That, or spend some more time with this particular incarnation.

But i dont like the feets, love the landscape.

Can you take another image (bigger) of the full body with head?