
WIP - Beast

This is probably my first model that i am about to complete, now i just need som comments about how to improve it before its finished, and i also would like to know how to put in an eye, the way it is done in pixolators angler fish tutorial ?tiger.jpg

looking good so far.

Projection master.

select deformation only .

draw a sphere in the position you want and pick up.

This should have the desired effect.


It doesnt work, It just pops up a window saying that i have to convert it to a polymesh3d, i did that and redraw the mesh and it stills says the same thing ?

Not to sure then .
I just tested and worked for me.



I have done my basic mesh in maya, but it ought to work the same ?

just tested it from 3dsmax and apart from being a little pointy due to my bad export obj mesh , it worked the same.

Think you need help from someone who knows more than me :confused:


why not convert it to polimesh? then u can add a sphere in projection master…


PS: uuupppzzzzz u already did that… i’m still sleeping. just because i had to do the same just yesterday and it worked. polimesh convert then projection master :wink:

You are doing everything right EXCEPT you have to remember to select the Polymesh after you convert. ZBrush does NOT replace your parametric mesh automatically.

have a look HERE and checkout the plugin button HERE


I solved the problem and its time to show an update =)tiger2.jpg

Nice to see another wolf…this is my final version

or is it a panther?

anyways cool sculpture:+1: :+1:

dont know really it was to be some sort of extra agressive tiger first, but then it turned out to look more like a panther…