
What is the best way to create curly edges?

Hi! This is my first steps in ZBrush and I need a little help. What’s the best approach to do such curly, fractalish edges like on the image? What do you think?

I’d have a bit of a play with masking, move and inflate, so you can move some areas in one direction, invert the mask and move other areas in different directions. You might want to use dynamesh, but it can sometime go a bit wrong with thinner geometry, so you might want to experiment with Sculptris Pro too.
But I’m sure there will be a more complete answer soon from more experienced members.

Hi @choobek

You may want to experiment with Cloth Dynamics. Use the Nudge Cloth brush (upper part of test image) or Expand with gravity dynamics (lower part of test image). Get overall curvature with the move brush at lower subdivs. I think the important part is that the scale of folds correlates to polygon size so you’ll get tighter folds with smaller polygons. You can also mask off areas from cloth dynamics so you won’t kill your system with millions of polygons.


Good Luck.

Thank you all for your help! Great tips!