
water elemental study

Hi all,
this is my first post in this forum.
Hope you like it!

hey man !! whatta great first try !!!


hey guys this is a my course friend, treat him well!!
:sunglasses: :+1:

mauro p^tman iz very togu! gut wurk man! YEAH!:+1: :+1:

Nice first post!! :+1:

Elemental, my dear Watson. Very nice … welcome.

Cool design. I like the way the lower body swirls…



Like this____> mandragora.jpg
Or Man_dra_gore: -man- -dragon- -gore- :eek:

nais uoter uelemental

very gooooood


nice, but stop to download porn movie…eh eh

mingia, how you made that watershape, or is a photo P-ing in the sea?

for Bas: great, “minghia” is a real BADword!!! iF you want, i can send you more & more ITALIAN bad-words!!! So you can use their to talk with DRUMMER :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

cazzo, good idea

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: what are you telling Bas??? don’t pay your attention to Patman!! he is a very dangerous and crazy guy for this cazzate :smiley:

The water shape is not a photo P-ing.
1-I have used a simple brush, with my P-tablet;
2-Brush a Mat_reflectedMap with material Channel;
3-Off the diffuse on light; (light 45°)
3-now you can joy with water :smiley:

But nice water. Next time more refraction, reflection and transparenty. Save my work now and sleep, Ciao!

Bas and mauro…I’m going to sleep…mh…good night you all


Good Night