
UV Master - Issues / Bugs

I must say that the concept of UV master is groundbreaking and effective.

I seemed to have come across some bugs as I was trying to use it.

So far here are a list of issues I have found.

#1 - Sometimes after painting attract / protect areas, the unwrap is the same as before painting them. When this happens I noticed that if I click the attract or protect button again my previous paint dissapears. After painting them again they are taken into account.

#2 - If at any time you change brushes you must switch back to standard or the painting will not work

#3 - Stuck in flattened mode. This is a new one I came across, I will have to see how to reproduce it. I am stuck in flattened mode and cannot go back to the base mesh.

As you can see in the image above, the button to unflatten is grayed out and you can also see the cloned mesh I was working on now looks flattened as well. I am able to copy the UVs and paste them but cannot unflatten. I even tried unwrapping and flattening again but still stays stuck.

I figured this would be the best place to post issues with the plugin.

I will keep this updated if I encounter any other issues. These were found in the first 20 min of using UV master.

This time around I got it to crash…

Here were my exact steps.






Ok already some solutions. Man I should get paid for some quality assurance :lol:

A big thing (in my case at least) is to hit flatten after you do your first unwrap.

I noticed that by doing this the model turns white and the material changes as well.

NOW after clicking flatten then unflatten everything works properly. I can now paint the attract and protect areas successfully.

On top of that, incase anyone didn’t know. You can use the move, scale and rotate transpose tools on your flattened UVs. You can also use the move brush and push pull certain areas. I recommend using the density painting tools to make most adjustments, but its great to fine tune your UV’s in zbrush.

Yet again I have figured out what causes the issue. So with the previous issue I had about not being able to un-flatten my flattened UVs… See below

#3 - Stuck in flattened mode. This is a new one I came across, I will have to see how to reproduce it. I am stuck in flattened mode and cannot go back to the base mesh.

As you can see in the image above, the button to unflatten is grayed out and you can also see the cloned mesh I was working on now looks flattened as well. I am able to copy the UVs and paste them but cannot unflatten. I even tried unwrapping and flattening again but still stays stuck.

The Cause / Work Around = This is caused by pressing Ctrl+Z (undo) in flatten mode when using the transpose tools (Move, scale, rotate)

As long as you do not press CTRL+Z (undo) you can avoid the issue.

Also if you found you accidentally did undo, just keep undoing untill your mesh appears correctly (before it was flattened) and then continue working.

lol… you’ve answer all your problem…

Could you please explain? I know I have found work arounds, but these problems still exist…

if you want to put the seams on the back. you should paint protect the front torso then paint attract the back(cover most of the centerback and not only the symmetry and make sure symmetry is on. wait i’ll try it so I can explain what’s going on. do you have another polygroup?

or if you want to. you can make a temporary unwrap in other 3d apps then let zbrush’ uvmaster fix it to you.

For one of my many sub-tools, UV master was not able to handle it for whatever reason and hangs. I have to hit escape or it will never finish calculating. I left it for 30 min and it still kept trying to unwrap.

FIX: Manually set up a few polygroups where suitable, and then enable polygroups feature in UV Master before unwrapping.

This worked perfectly and I am able to continue unwrapping the rest of the sub-tools.

I found it odd that this particular one didn’t work even though it was a mirrored copy of an identical sub-tool that had no problems with one polygroup / UV island

Here are the bugs and fixes I have come across…

#1 - Painting attract / protect areas not taking effect
- The unwrap is the same as before painting them.

FIX: Click Unwrap, flatten, then unflatten before painting your attract / protect areas.

#2 - Stuck in flattened mode
- Stuck in flattened mode and cannot go back to the base mesh. Unflatten is grayed out.

FIX: This is caused by using CTRL+Z (undo) while in flatten mode, and when using the transpose tools such as move, scale, rotate. I have tried using the button and the hotkey with the same results. Avoid using undo when in flatten mode after using the move, scale, rotate. You can also undo until the mesh fixes itself (before you flattened) and continue working.

Lastly just something to note, not a bug just good to know.

NOTE: You MUST use the Standard brush to paint attract / protect areas or density.