
uv conversion???

Hi everyone ,
I have a model which has been textures using GUV and I am reasonably happy with the result, but now I would like to produce a flat unwrapped texture of the model like you get when you use UVS or UVC.
Is this possible or do i have to repeat the texturing after changing the model to UVS???
Please save me some one ,it took me ages the first time!! :o

Hi aliaslies,

I’m not 100% sure what the problem is but I think that you have a model in zbrush and its been sub divided and fine detailed/sculpted, yes??

Now you are trying to export it and unwrap it in another app?

Well this shouldn’t really be a problem if it wasn’t for displacement maps, which I take it you are using. The disp map is taking the info in zbrush from the GUV uv’s so if you export the mesh and now change the uv’s (i.e. unwrap the mesh) the disp map won’t work because you’ve manually changed the uv’s, so the mapping info is different.

There may be a really long winded way of getting the uv’s back through morph targets or sumthing similar but I’m not completely sure, i’m sure you’ll find an answer soon mate.

Please anyone correct me if I’m wrong here!


Textures are created based on the model’s UV mapping. If you change the UV mapping you will have to redo any textures that you’ve already done.

ProjectionMaster can help make this easier, though. See http://zbrushcentral.com/zbc/showthread.php?t=10335

It’s possible, but not in ZBrush. Check and see if your animation/rendering program supports Texture Baking. If it does, you should be able to transfer the texture from one UV map to another fairly easily. See the attached pic.

