
Undead Rogue (World of Warcraft)

Hello everybody I’m Valentin from Bulgaria and this is the final sculpt of my Undead Rogue. The modeling tooked time becouse I was Video Capturing the Creaton of the model.And now my main priority will be to record audio for the 7 hours video session for the creation of this Dude hope you like him
The modling was done in Zbrush 3D Max,and even in photoshop for some textures. :wink:


The modeling of some base forms was done in 3D MAX and the rest is in zbrush

Hope you like it
















nice work, can you upload a higher resolution image?

Really cool!, i’m looking forward to seeing the video you mentioned

Blizzard artist give us such rich material to work with:). :+1:

hehe i can dream to work for blizzard only but nvm :slight_smile: :smiley:





this is brilliant! can’t wait to see those videos ~

I LOVE this sculpt, I played for 4 years and leveled 3 different UD rogues. If you don’t mind I would like to offer some critique, so lets get started!

First, unless this is the china version of the UD rogue, he has bones coming out of his elbows too so maybe include them? :3

Second the daggers are far too small relative to how they are in game. Make them a bit bigger and they will reflect the warcraft style a bit more.

Lastly the toes seem to be non existent, like his toes are squished like a pancake! Maybe rip open the leather boot and add in the gnarled UD rogue feet?

Lastly I don’t recognize either of those weapons even though you are working around the time of the Molten Core/BWL era. Maybe you should include a Perditions/Core Hound Tooth, or Gutgore ripper and Barman Shanker?

Anyways enough critique. It looks fantastic and I do love the armor all around!

I played wow for a long time and always enjoyed the boob-shoulder rogue set!
This is coming along decently in overall shape. The cloth folds I would say need refinement, maybe a little pinch and maybe rethinking of the flow itself.

Whatsup with the toes? Accidently Crush them? :stuck_out_tongue: To fix this I suggest using the inflate brush to at least simulate girth, because currently your guy looks like he was Mel Gibson in the movie payback.

Nice work, keep it up!


your render came out really nice.