Hi guys, here´s a creature i´m working in zbrush2 to get normal maps afterwards and use it with my low cage…
Muy gracioso xuxo, ya nos enseñara mas…
y welcome to zbrushcentral
Thank you ilusiondigital,
Here´s the progress so far on the chest, not done yet, the back needs lots of work and some tweaking all around…i like to do it all at the same time, and finish each piece once i got everythin started…
Looking very cool, once you get all the shapes in its going to look even cooler.
muy bien logrado¡¡¡ es fàcil reconocer tu capacidad artìstica¡¡
thanks guys for the feedback…
Here´s a lil´update… the hand…
C & C welcomed…
Another update, i´ve redone the torso…
Thankyou pilou,
here´re couple of images of the chest…
Ps:i´m gonna be on holydays for a little, but i will continue updating this fella…
Great progress, I’ll keep watching this thread!
The pieces are adding up to an intersting whole!
ese koroko! Monztrro!!
stunning torso!! can’t wait to see it all.
Xuxo you tease ohhhhsooo well!!
everything in parts so far looks fantistic and cannot
wait for the big finale!
XUXO great model! all of the parts look great so far, so the final model is gonna be astonishing! keep posting!
Awesome texturing on the legs!
Nice legs. I like the solid look and thickness of the legs.
The skin looks great.
Thank you guys for the feedback…
i´ve redone the head…oops…