
topology problems again.....

it´s unbelievable, don´t know what i still can do…i always get topology mistakes and absolutly don´t know why…

Doesn´t matter if i paint the topology completely new or load an existing topology, the mistake are the same on different parts on my mesh…in this picture below its only one of many examples.
The main problem is, that i turn “projection on” to get the details back from my highres mesh…if i turn projection off, the most problems are solved…but that´s not what i wan´t because i need my hires mesh…


Two things to note, one is that using projection with a mesh that has holes or is not “watertight” as your mouthpiece there will lead to exploding mesh, this should go away once you retop the whole model. This happens because the new mesh doesn’t know what to do once it hits those edges.
second thing, is your original models normals facing outward?

Thx for your help…this mesh hasn´t really holes…what i mean is, that this holes are watertight…sorry don´t find the right english word for that :wink:
And…sorry if this a stupid question, but how can i see in which direction my normals shows? how can i see if my normals facing outwards?

oh, and a short other question, if i use subtoolsmaster to unify my object, i lose all my symmetry…

  1. from your above pictures, the new retopologized mesh does have holes because it is incomplete.
  2. you will have to check your original mesh outside of topology, just load it normally, then goto Tool: Display, if Double is turned on, turn it off, if you mesh then looks weird your normals are reveresed, if so, hit Flip.
  3. without seeing your whole object i cannot say why this is happening, but when you hit Unify it trys to find the center of your object, so perhaps your model is “heavier” on one side and this is throwing it off. If you’re hitting Unify because your model is too big, just use the Deformation sliders to size it down.

to 1. ok, now i know what you mean, i have to finish all the topology, so that i don´t get holes…ok, i´ll try it…thx :slight_smile:

to 2. the normals seems ok

to.3 in this picture below you can see the whole mesh (ok, only one side, but i always used x-symmetry). I only use unify because i don´t know if it show ok in the preview window…i think it´s to big for the preview window…and thereby can occur the topology mistakes too.
Ok, the other point i used unify is, that without using unify i get a really big mesh in maya.

(I hope you can understand my ugly english, sorry)

why is your model rotated like that in the preview window, did you do that on purpose?
if not then that is part of the problem.
as i said you can always use the Size slider to shrink your model and that will not screw up your pivot point nor symmetry.

i only rotate that you can see how lie´s the model between the imageplane(?)…because i don´t know if it´s important too.
Ok, i resized my mesh, so that i can the the whole mesh in the preview window…
Next, I will try to retopologyize again…

thanks so much for your help…maybe the problem is solved…