I woul’d love to model my first character - and this model should also work for animation.
I think I did a lot of research work, to find different informations - but I always could find informaiton, how the tools are working - but I’ve never could find an answer to the question:
How do I know that my new topology will work for animation ?
I work with 3dsmax mainly, and I could find some informations, that poeple mostly build the low-poly mesh with the correct topology in 3dsmax (or other different 3d tools like maya etc.)
And with starting modeling the base mesh they try to get the correct topolgy - they make tests with rigging and skinning - and after getting a good solution in bending ellbows or knees, they are done with the low-poly base mesh.
After this preperation, the mesh will be exported into zbrush to make all the details.
Well, now I am really confused about that - because we do have in zbrush 3 such a wonderful topology tool. And I ask myself, if I would start working in zbrush, making my character, without any other tool - I will end with a high end poly mesh. After this, I have no other choice, I would need to make a new topology mesh for animation … but how can I control and check that this new topology will work for animation ?
How can I check and make tests in zbrush ?
Or would you suggest to export the new topology model into the main 3d animation programm ?
Well… I really appreciate every little help… I think I didn’t really understand the whole process… or I can’t really imagine the right way combining 3dsmax and zbrush.
Thanks a lot,