
There Will Be Zbrush...

Mr Plainview




Haha I like this. Good model.

“Dont be thick in front of me, Al”

ahaha so many good quotes… “I broke you and i beat you…”

To those who are unfirmiliar with the film, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQA5WkorAsc&NR=1

…cool! Very fine modeling! :+1:

great work lots of character,only crit would be that the part of ears look a bit inflated (imo),:+1: :+1: :+1:

This is superior modelling work. You should post a vid of your work flow. Very inspiring stuff,.

Very nice modelling, maybe this material is too much dark for my taste IMHO, anyway very good work here.:+1:

Good work man, I like the model, I hope your updates :cool:

Cannot believe I missed on this great thread. Great modeling. :+1:

very good…looks just like old time cowboy

I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE. Excellent stuff! :+1:

Great work ! Studying from it:)