
The MatCap Library -- Now Available


We’ve made an update to the Download Center that’s so HUGE, it needs its own announcement!

As you all know, MatCap materials have introduced a whole new dimension to working with ZBrush. They provide a super fast and easy way to create entirely new materials, or even copy surface properties from resource photographs. It’s such a great feature that the community has gone, well, madcap with MatCap! Literally hundreds of materials have been created over the last couple of years and shared with the ZBC community.

But finding those materials has gotten to be something of a challenge. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could be gathered together in one place? We sure thought so. And what better place for it than the new Download Center? After all, why should plugins have all the fun?


:large_orange_diamond: :large_orange_diamond: :large_orange_diamond: Click Here for the Library :large_orange_diamond: :large_orange_diamond: :large_orange_diamond:

The Download Center has a new tab called “Library”. There you will find an easy to use browser that let’s you choose a category and then click on thumbnails of any material that might catch your eye. The page will then show you what that material looks like on a sphere as well as a more complex model (courtesy of Magdalena Dadela – “intervain” - Thank you:) ).

Each material shows who it was created by and has a handy download link. You can even browse the whole library as a slideshow.

This is just the beginning of our Library feature. More materials are going to be added over time. But we have some other great resources planned, as well. Stay tuned!

Many thanks to the ZBrushCentral community for having so generously shared such an assortment of amazing materials! This truly is a forum like no other.

–The Pixologic Team





Man thats really GREAT! this is why i love it pixologic…theyve have always a new present for us!

Thank you!!!

See also: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/zbc/showthread.php?p=509360

Cool ! :smiley:



awesome, finally.
Aurick, anyway a full download link could be added, in case we want them all?

I’m so glad for this, it’s a brilliant idea! Thanks Pixologic! Will make life easier when looking for matcaps!

Well designed library service Pixologic, having all down-loadable materials in a single place makes things so much easier. (Bundled zipped-library sets for download would also be great.)

One thing: It seems like the two “Click Here” links both go to the same Using_the_Matcap_Tool page?


woooow :grimacing: :grimacing: one more awesome surprise :+1:

Excellent addition! The realtime preview on the model really sells it.

Cant wait to see the library grow!

This is awesome! Thanks Pixologic!

Thanks very much, great addition!

This is great! I just have one request: It looks like you can download each MatCap material individually. If a person wanted all the materials-it would take a long time to download them one by one. How about adding a button that also lets you download each library?

Thanks for putting this together! I would add another voice to the requests to download all the matcaps together, and in fact, the UI displayed above might be helpful in ZB. Like the alpha& Tex loader kind of with a preview like this. Either way , great work Pixologic, and thank you!!!

Very, very nice…you all rock!

Peace-NickZ. :slight_smile:


Also, right now I cannot download any since the Flash doesn’t seem to be coming up with a download button. It might be less “flash-y” but a .zip file by groups would be easier to download and use.


Oh my gosh!! That’s so Great!

This is very useful indeed! :sunglasses: :+1: :+1:

I thought I had them all, but there’s a bunch on here I haven’t seen before… and a service like this is sure to encourage much more contribution – great job Pixologic

Question - is this library strictly matcaps only, or will standard materials be accepted as well?

Ultra cool! Nice & easy, all in one place. Love it :smiley: