
The Eye in The Jungle

Hi all! A time ago I posted my second zbrush model, it was a Dragon Head, well, now I´m posting the first one! It is a dinossaur head, i did it a little cartoony.
I hope you like! More to come!
And a Happy New Year for everybody!

Best regards!


Flame Dragon



it looks pretty damn cool but in the final render you can hardly see it. Maybe put some lights on the entire head instead focus on the nose

Hi PixelSoul! Thank you for the comment, but I forgot to say that its not a render image, i did entirly in Photoshop Cs2, in a ilustration way, besides the Zbrush part and Softimage Xsi base mesh off course…:wink:
The shadows are intentional…, my intention was to do like a yellow eye staring in shadows…, very camoufled with the jungle, even if i loose the visibility of the entire head for it. But I see your point, it is just a decision i did between the feeling and the visibility I expect for it. Thanks again!

It would really be a shame to hide that in the shadows, cause that is one of the best dragon i have seen i an long time.
Looking forward to follow this thread.

storm is right. “Light! More light!..”

Very nice, it reminds me of dragon tales :slight_smile: looks like it’s smiling :slight_smile:

Storm:Well, I dont think its a shame, but it was intentional, I really want to do a dark image. I didnt used zmapper for texturing this model, if I did I could post here many visions of the textured head, as I did with the flame dragon, and all the texturing work would be visible. But I painted it all directy in photoshop, because a still image was my intention from the very beggining.
But as I´m a cool guy, I did a little adjust in light, it was easy and fast…
Not soo big change, but its more visible now, I still prefer the first one as my personal choice…;).Thanks for your comment and critics!

Lear: See it now…

X-Titan: Thanks man! Yes, he is really smiling…haha, it was based in a cartoon sketch that I did. I decided to mantain his pretty smile…haha.


Compositionwise, I understand what you’re going for, and I really do like the image. But, I have to agree…it’s such a shame to not showcase the beautiful detail you’ve added. Isn’t there some compromise?

Hi, Dalton, great dragon head. :slight_smile: I’m starting to develop a dragon head project. Can you learn us how do you do it? Making of perhaps?:rolleyes:

The first thing I thought of was that he reminds me of the Skeksis from The Dark Crystal.

Yeah for Muppets.

great work, although it’s a pity most of the detail is lost in the final picture(s)

oh. by the way, here’s a Skeksis


very good scene and light… :+1: