Super Hero
Ahh I can definitely see the influence of Digital Tutors here
My thoughts exactly when I saw the small picture before clicking on it. I was excited, thinking that someone from Digital Tutors was showing more of their work, or maybe another video series. Still, it’s really nice work. Clean and simple… I like it.
Have a blessed day,
I like the simplicity of my creations
I love it. Great color choice. Digital tutor or not, you still had to go throught the process yourself. So kudos to you.
I want to make a render better if someone could tell me how to blend layers
cool clean and simple styling . too blend layers you can after rendering in Z > render > bpr render passes click on and export
passes you want to layer in external editor PS - if you have? or Gimp is free - use layer transparent settings - wand and select
tools - filters ect. the possibilities are endless ! and to get full size images in your post use insert image above text field . cheers
Thanks for the help but if you look at the new render really already do it after efects