
Suddenly, ZBrush won't start. Emergency!!!


I tried loading my ZBrush 2 fully licensed edition – working fine the night before – and now it won’t load.

More particularly, the ZBrush menubar appears for a few seconds, then disappears and the application fails to load.

I’ve run permissions repair to no effect, plus the full suite of TechTool repairs, also to no effect. I don’t get a splash screen. I’m running the very latest version of OS X (10.4.710.4.7). What to do, what to do? I’m desperate!

Incidentally, when I try to boot by selecting a ZBrush document and control-clicking on its icon , I get the list of possible programs with which I might try this, and ZBrush is not on the list. In fact no programs are on the list. When I choose “other” and get the program selection dialog box, and navigate to where the program is, it is greyed-out and cannot be selected. I include an image showing this to be so.
Bye the bye, I have 1 gig of ram and 230 Gig of HD space.

What the heck is going on?

Thanks for your help.





I had a similar problem on the PC. I clicked on a .ZTL file and it didn't load, and after that the program wouldn't open. Since this was shortly after I installed some plugins, I decided that I should pull out all the plugins. The program started up, then I reinstalled the plugins, one by one, leaving out the ones that I didn't think I would really use. I haven't had a problem since then. I don't know if this will apply to your problem, but good luck.

You can start ZBrush without plugins by holding down the SHIFT key while you launch the program. That way you can test to see if it is a plugin that is causing the problem.

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!
It booted!
Now I will follow your advice about weeding out the pluginz!

I was just on the verge of re-installing, and I suppose that that would have entailed further delay, requiring a new permanent password.
I have this program some of you in the Mac world will know about, TechTool. I was fearing that the password was some how linked to the b-tree structure or something else esoteric about the disk that TechTool will optimise, if asked, and I have indeed been doing all that stuff.
But, I also transfered all my putative plugins into the scripts folder, and the shift-key trick has put the finger on it.

What a great start to the day!
Again, a huge THANKS to you both!


I’m glad to have been able to help. I’ve only had the program for a week, but that was one experience I had, and I felt the same momentary terror that you did.

Aside from this, and a couple of other annoyances I’ve had, I really like the way ZBrush feels for sculpting, so in an effort to learn more about the program, I’m going to be taking a class at a place called Studio Arts in the L.A. area. I’m hoping that will push me over the learning curve, and give me that ability to work around those problems I’ve been having.

Anyway, congratulations, and I look forward to seeing what you do with it!

Hey Frank,

I, too, am a newbie to ZBrush, but not to art. I did all the things in my user gallery with the demo and a screen capture prog. Now I am luxuriating with the real version. I’ve been playing with zeeble this morning, and here’s what I have so far.


Any suggestions?





Hi ford,

Wow, those objects look really cool. I’m going to take your advice and find those shaders you’re talking about.

As far as that line thingy going through your screen, I haven’t had that problem yet, and so have no advice to offer. Hopefully someone else here might recognize that artifact and have a solution.

Good luck .:+1: