
Strange Topology Issues

I’m very new to Zbrush and I am having some serious topology issues. I posted the pictures of my issues. When I create a cylinder I get triangles on the top and bottom. when I try to divide it. It gets worse.
Then I tried remesh and as you can see it comes out terribly.
Can anyone help me out with my issue?


Screenshot (12).png

Screenshot (13).png

Screenshot (14).jpg

Screenshot (15).png

Screenshot (16).jpg

There are several ways to make the poles on the cylinder to not fall into the triangular end point. (And I don’t know all of them !)

Insert (make) your cylinder.
Go to Geometry>>Zremesher>> Click the big button that says Zremesh.
You can mess around with the different buttons and settings in Zremesh and change the results.

Another method;
Ctrl+Alt+Shft drag- select the ends of the cylinder (which hides that geometry.)
Go to >>Geometry>modify geometry> delete hidden (this deletes those ends which you hid previously)
You can then go to >>geometry>>modify geometry>> close holes (this will make a not very pretty looking new endcap)

Another method:
Another method;
Ctrl+Alt+Shft drag- select the ends of the cylinder (which hides that geometry.)
Go to >>Geometry>modify geometry> delete hidden (this deletes those ends which you hid previously)
Now open up Zmodeler brush.
Highlight an edge
Spacebar while hovering an edge.
Select “close hole”
Set to convex.
click on the edge of the open end of the cylinder.
**You can play with the other settings that Zmodeler has when you hit spacebar

There are other methods which others will probably chime in with.

Don’t get too frustrated. Everything comes with time and experimenting, except more time !


You may also want to check out the primitives. Michael Pavlovich has a Youtube video on it titled “008 primitives and components” that may help you with what you need.

Another thing you could do is use ZModeler to add edge loops at the top, bottom and just inside the end caps. That will firm things up when you divide. Or you could try the Crease options in the Geometry palette.