
Spotty Polypaint Job

Hi Folks,
I’m now getting into Polypainting and am doing the tutorial in the WIKI as per Auricks suggestion. However I keep getting a sort of spotty black pattern when I paint. In addition it seems as though Symmetry is automatically chosen when one first launches the Polypaint tool. I have disabled UVs, sub-divided up to the point that my view interactivity starts slowing down. I’m using the Standard tool with the Color Spray stroke Spotty Paint Job.jpg and Alpha 7 and sometimes no Alpha, but no joy. I have attached a .jpg to show what I’m getting. Any light that can be shed on this would be most appreciated.
All the best and TIA,

I have never seen this. What are the exact steps that you’re following?

Hi Auric,
all I’m doing is the Polypainting tutorial in the WIKI. I think my problem is the brush stroke that I use which is the either the Color Spray or the Spray. The tutorial calls for the use of the Colorizer Spray Stroke and the closest that I come to that is the one labeled Color Spray. When I choose the freehand or the stroke that looks like a rectangle with an arrow sticking out of it, things look ok.

Yeah, I’ve been having the same issue. Coloized spray and spray are huge and blotchy. They pretty much just don’t work.

First off, the Spray stroke types work best with an alpha selected.

Second, try adjusting the Stroke modifiers. Scale and Placement (along with the Draw Size) are important here. Be sure to lower that Draw Size if your results are “huge and blotchy”!

The Spray strokes are very, very useful. But they do take a little practice to really get the hang of.

Once again Aurick,