Hey…i remember this head
Great pics you have made from it
Thanks man, here’s another two
Interesting, I like.
Me to! Looks great!..you have gone a whole other direction then what i thought of you would go when i first saw that face…but i really like this outcome and the originality from it
Looking forward to see more/other projects from you so Keep up the good work!
oh and welldone on the lifelike eyes
Thanks guys,
Artmarqy, this actually wasn’t where I was going with this head, but an idea sprang to mind and I grabbed it. (that’s why I didn’t place it in my previous post, I still want to do something else with that )
Here’s another one. Have fun.
This is really interesting. A true example of 3D Painting.
Could you be persuaded to supply a step-by-step of your method?
I can’t get over how cool the second one in the second post looks. I’d love to know how you went about getting that effect, in zbrush or otherwise. Very cool.
Thanks acmepixel and Tidalias,
Actually there is no real tutorial I can give you, I stumbled into this effect by accident. What i did was this:
After having rendered a head in ZBrush, I export it to a .psd file.
I open the .psd file in a paint program (like painter or artrage) and distort the image with mostly only the palette knife tool and save it.
After that I open the original and the repainted file in Photoshop and I paste one over the other. Then I do some layer adjustments. Linear burn works very well, but others too, just try a few (different adjustments give different effects, they depend heavily on the colors of both your images, so I try some and pick which one works best for that particular image).
To finish it off I do a little color adjustments and some detail retouching.
That’s about it.
I hope it helps a little, if something is unclear, just say so and I’ll try to explain it a little better.
I really love the look of the piece, its nice to see people shy of away from photorealism and not go into toon shading. Well done.
Ah, thanks Bimm, for taking the time to describe what you did. It sounds like a doable explanation to me. I’ll give it a whirl when I get my WIP head done that I’ve been working on.