

This is just for my amusement, came out O.K so I thought I might share it with you :

This is a model I’ve posted on ZBC before but this time with a new SSS material that I recently created for a different project. With those eyes I had only one choice in the name SOUL EATER :evil:

Btw if anyone remembers that thread , sorry I could’nt get around to that tut my computer was infected with a bug and I lost lots of my files, including the tut files.Don’t have time to recreate pdf doc again but you can see a shorter version of the tut at this thread, last part to be added real soon.

Kircho 100%Zbrush

Really interesting model. Nice concept and excellent execution.

Zdravei Kircho. Ot dosta vreme ne si postval. Nadiavam se che vsichko e OK pri teb.

Kaksi Vladka, Blagodera za miselta, gotva se da jiveya fef Canada siga, i sas moyta rabota ima se chetene da se pravi.

Za momenta she stoya za oshte malco vreme na borda da vida da pomogna na sitchkite novi zbrushers. Imam da verna na horata deto pomegaha na mene kato us zapotchnah ses zbrush.

Ama Isgleshda che ot siga nataka she me vijdash tooka po malko.

sitchko hubavo,