
Something new for the new year

Here is the first test render of a portrait of my dear old Mom. The model is at Sub-D lvl 2 at about 50K poly’s. This is the first time I have used XSI for rendering (which is why I am rendering at this early stage) and I am quite happy with the results. I created a diffuse map using the wonderful poly paint and then converted it to texture. It is very quick and dirty, I only spent half an hour or so on the texture, just to get an idea of how it was going to look in XSI with the Fast SSS shader. There is LOTS to do, including adding all those lovely wrinkles (sorry Mom:) ).

Anyway I will post my progress. Thanks again to Lemo for giving me a quick start tutorial on XSI. I watched it again as a refresher before beggining.


looks like you are off to a wonderful start!

does canada have a Mother’s day? Here it’s in may…so you have 4 1/2 months to go:D

animuts: Thanks for looking and your kind words.

We do have Mothers day in Canada. My mother is in England however, and they celebrate that day in March!!! So I guess I have two months :slight_smile:

I am not sure she would want to see the result. Old age isn’t something we like to accept… but it does make for a good model.

I think she would be flattered and amazed that you took the time to do it.

I think it would be kinda creepy but cool fun to see how someone else perceives how you look when you are that much older than they are.:smiley:

Not really happy with the result so far. Eyes are mesed-up. In any case here it is. Still SO much to do. I will fix the eyes…


So here I have worked on the eye lids which were causing me some upset. Trying to capture what can only be described as “Flaps of loose skin!” above the lid has been a pain. Getting the folds to look believable is a challenge.

I feel as though I am getting somewhere now. Were it not a portrait I would probably not spend as much time on the eyes, but they really are the key to nailing a good likeness.

I am happy with the overall forms now, so I will be dong some detailing next… and redoing the texture map at some point.

Here is tonights efforts. I hope you like, and please feel free to provide crits.


go go go! :smiley:

Well I finally figured-out how to get MD3 to work. Here is the result.


Looking good!

just had a flash of her in a nun’s habit…for some reason that made me think of the nun’s in Sound of Music…weird what the mind does:rolleyes:

keep going…mday is coming!!

aminuts: That might not be such a bad idea… I was wondering what I would put her in. Perhaps I will do two versions; one as Mom and one as Nun (or should that be Non!).

Thanks for the idaa… and being my only ZBC viewer. :slight_smile:

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Very nice Elixir, has your mom seen it & if so what does she think of been imortilised in 3D. :slight_smile:

WENDEX: Ha! No she has not seen it. I think she would ask me to pull-out the smooth brush, if you know what I mean :slight_smile:

I am in two minds about showing her. I might.

Here is a small update from tonight. I say small, but it took me ALL night. :slight_smile:

Basically I replaced the temp color map with this new one that is all painted in ZB polypaint (no photo ref texturing)

Let me know what you think.


Well it seems I finally figured-out how to set-up fast_SSS properly… who new you needed a lightMap :rolleyes:

Anyway, I have fiddled with the shader and altered the back light. It also seems like the bump map works, now that the lightmap is attached… I couldn’t for the life of me figure that one out. I tried for days!!!

Credit must be given to Alex at Gnomonology for a great tutorial. :smiley:

Here is the result. Comments are not only welcomed, but encouraged!


Lovely work. The eyes have a life that is hard to capture in 3d. It looks just a bit too plasticy for me at the moment, but once you texture the neckline a little further, it should break the highlights up and create a more pleasing effect.

Woohoo…she is coming along nicely…keep going! :smiley:

Twitchmonkey: Thanks for your kind words. You are absolutely right about the specularity being too much. I have not applied a specular map yet (or painted one for that matter), but it is on the list of things to do. The neck cetainly looks plasticy. Funny that you should mention the eyes, because I have been redoing them over the last week based on a rather good tutorial available at Gnomonolgy by Alex Alveras (I think it is Alveras). You will have to give me some feedback on the next update :slight_smile:

aminuts: Thanks for your support. I am stil considering a render with a nun’s habit… when I have time perhaps. I am but a mere weekend warior though, with two offspring that occupy a considerable amount of my sparse free time.

Thanks to everyone else for looking :slight_smile:

Nice portrait work!

Also thanks for the support on my apples thread!

I have yet to tackle a portrait, looks like probably the toughest thing to attempt so good luck and keep up the top work!
would be cool to see some ref photos too maybee.
Anyway I know what you mean about finding time for all this as I too have a couple of crazy wee ones!

Keep on Z-ing