
Snake Brush Sphere

When I use Snake brush sphere or Cactus the brush starts with a sphere then continue to draw. It looks weird.

Current version is 2021 1.5

Does anyone having same issue?

Hi @dudrjs79

I don’t know why it does it but I do know that enabling LazyMouse helps to eliminate the problem. It’s not a 100% but works most of the time. Just enable LazyMouse (L) and leave it at it’s default settings. This works for both the Cactus and Sphere Snake brushes. Hope that helps.

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Thanks Zber2
I guess it’s a bug as it worked in all the previous versions. I try lazy mouse option for now.

This appears to be a pressure related issue. Like many of the brushes in Zbrush, you’ll get the best results using it with a pressure sensitive tablet and a lighter touch. You can still make the issue happen with excessive pressure. Since using a mouse is like using maximum pressure all the time, you will get the effect without fail when using a mouse. For shorter strokes using Lazy Mouse will help you get around the initial issue, but there may be other issues related to using Lazy Mouse with this tool.

This does, however, appear to be an issue introduced with the new program version. I have made the development team aware of it.

Thank you!

Yes I used my mouse to make that happen as I don’t have a tablet at the moment. I didn’t have any issues with the previous versions so I wasn’t too sure what’s happening.
Thanks for your answer.