
Skeletor Work In Progress

I wanted create character where I could study some anatomy but at the same time make a really classic cool looking character and add my own little style to it. Having grown up in the 80’s as a kid I was greatly inspired by all those classic cartoons. so I decided to create skeletor for my latest character. hope you like it.

[attach=144221]anatomy wip.jpg[/attach]

[attach=144222]skeletor WIP.jpg[/attach]


anatomy wip.jpg

skeletor WIP.jpg

really captured the character and took him to another level.

yeah man, really nice work, especially the detail on the armor.

thanks guys. I started adding a little detail to his skin. I want it to kind of look like dead sinueas skin. I have been really inspired by the amazing artists at Epic Games and kind of want to go for that Epic Games look. I am going to keep working on his skin and then I will add some scratches and wear and tear to his armor.

[attach=144361]skeletor details.jpg[/attach]


skeletor details.jpg

Really nice work…looking very good so far… :+1:

Added Some More Detail To His Cloth And A Bit More To The Anatomy. Next Step Will Be Dirtying Up His Armor

[attach=144518]skeletor new.jpg[/attach]

[attach=144519]NEW ANATOMY.jpg[/attach]


skeletor new.jpg


ah ah ! great idea ! skeletor from he man ! it remind me when i was young !
THe sculpt is strong, well done ! i love it and his accesories are pretty good too.
Good job ^^

[attach=144703]skeletor-closup.jpg[/attach] Hey thanks a lot for your remarks guys. this has been a fun project. I am pretty much finished with the high res sculpt. It really helped me with my anatomy skills and zbrush was the only way I could have achieved the results I wanted in such a short amount of time. It took me about 2 weeks. here is the final high res results thanks a lot and I look forward to participating in this awesome community.






nice!! the armour is really cool. :+1:

Looking good hacking3d …agree armors looking swish :smiley:
Not sure if you seen it but I got this model - good for ref - hope it helps :wink:


Looks really cool man, I really like the creepy skin and his armour is awesome.

Looking cool! :+1: