
Sir Samual Vimes

Just started to use Zbrush3.1 … I cant believe I left it on the shelf for 2 months …

Any how as a part time lecturer I teach animation 4 games and thought Id set the project in homage this year to Terry Prattchet’s Ankh Moreporks City watch.

This is my model of Sam vimes head early WIP.

C&C more than welcolme.






While I’m not familiar with the character, the sketches google pulls up make him look like more of a tough guy than we see here. Greater angularity, especially in the jaw, would really help this out I think.

Vimes is certainly a square jawed fellow, Like I said its my first real go at Z brush, i did model the face with poor ref, but it is edge looped to make the most of zBrush.

attatched is the bas mesh model view fom MAYA



if you pick up the “Art of Diskworld” book by Paul Kirby they have a whole section of Drawings of Vimes.

Can’t wait to see some more of this, Vimes is one of my favorite characters.

Terry Pratchett said that he imagined Vimes to look like the actor Pete Postlethwaite. Paul Kidby drew him looking a little like Clint Eastwood! Looking forward to seeing this develop.


Ok so vimes is to look like clint eastwood and pete postlethwaite, As a Barnsley Lad ill do my best .


Started to get some good PP ref,



The chin is a little much for me. It can be pronounced, but as with the jaw, I think it should be more rugged, like Superman’s chin. Asdie from that, simply work on the ear, and perhaps add some more detail to the eyes and mouth, and you should be well on your way.

taken on board some of the coments,
heres an update, with rudimentary texture




Like some others have said, I always envisioned Vimes as more rugged. But since you are working from imagination and not firm reference material, I guess that’s besides the point. There are, however, a couple of areas you might want to adress to make the character more believeable.

Some of them are:

  • Add some more shape and thickness to the lips
  • Cut him out some proper eyelids
  • You might want to give him some more mass where the circular muscle of the mouth flows into the lower lips from underneath (look at real life reference images and adapt the shapes to fit the cartoony style of your model)
  • The area between his eye and the ridge of his eyebrow looks way too long
  • Maybe add some weight and build out the cheekbones (once again, take a peek at some reference)

Keep it up and happy zbrushing! :slight_smile: