
Shortcuts for changing Brushes


I’m new here as to zbrush aswell and i have a question that must be something really easy 'cause i can find an anwser anywhere in the internet, so i dicided to ask here probably the best place to ask such a question.
How do i change from one brush to another? (like claytubes to move, and them to standard, flatten, etc… - the most used ones).
Is there a shortcut for them besides de press b to select the brush than m for the m starting brushes than v for the move one? It must have another better way of doing this. I see so many tutorials on the net that people change brushes so easily that i assume there is a better way than that but i didnt find it yet.

Sorry if there is another question here somewhere about this, but i didnt find it, so here is my question.

Thanks for any tips. =)

Cheers Miguel

open up your brush panel and select each brush you would like to use at least 1x. This will create a smaller version of the brush icon in the palette.

ctrl+alt+lmb on the small icon of the brush you would like (this will prompt you to put in a shortcut key), press the key you would like to use as the shortcut for this brush.

2 = move
3 = standard
4 = clay

You must use the small icon for the shortcut as the large icon is a different option.

Hope this helps.

You can also create a custom UI with the brushes you use the most so you have easy access to them.


Thanks guys =)

beta_channel, That was the kind of stuff i was looking for. I’m just affraid to mess all shortcuts up =) but as a new user i guess that’s normal. Is there a way to change the shortcuts to default just in case?

zber2, I think your way will be really usefull when i start to use more brushes, thanks alot.

I guess in the end i will be using both methods.

Thanks again for the help =)

Just in case you get lost. ZBrush Keyboard Shortcuts

Thanks zber2.
