

![shanHillsTest_front_v02 vintage|1000x1633] https://youtube.com/shorts/klTE7MKZ69o

Shannon is my final result from 10 intense week CGMA’s Character Creation for Films/cinematics course. The course gave me the opportunity to push hard and improve quickly thanks to the advice of @PeterZoppi. I took the course because I have always thought that feedback is the key to constant improvement. I would recommend anyone to take this course who is willing to get constant feedback in developing a character for VFX.
I used V-Face and 3D scan store textures as a base for the body.

Super Cool concept by deepfry


You definitely put a lot of work and it shows, PeterZoppi should be proud and so do you :clap::clap::clap:

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well done :heart: :heart: :heart:

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