
Shaman Old Lady

Hi everyone,
I’m happy to share with you this personal project I’ve been working on in my spare time. The model is fully sculpted in ZBrush, including the cloth. I used XYZ Texturing maps, but I preferred to sculpt most of the details manually, using the R channel of the multi-channel displacement as a reference (I didn’t apply it to maintain a non-destructive workflow) and sculpting to match the flow of wrinkles from both the displacement and my reference (a series of photos of women from the Chin state in Myanmar). Later, I applied the G and B maps using ZBrush layers for the microdetails. The rest of the process was fairly straightforward: I exported my displacement from ZBrush, and in Arnold I mixed it with the one from Texturing XYZ. For the rest of the texturing, I used Mari and partly Substance Painter, while for lighting and shading, I used Maya. Finally, a bit of compositing in Nuke.
I hope you like it." :slightly_smiling_face:



Welcome back, WOW this is gorgeous. Staff Pick for me. :slight_smile:

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Thank you Paul! :pray:

Very good