
Sculpting Human Anatomy in ZBrush - Cervical Spine

Hi, here I´m starting a new project for my next 3D Neurosurgery Book that is gone to be my Second Neurosurgery Book. Since my first language is Spanish, My first ZBrush Tutorial - Modelando una Columna Cervical 3D en ZBrush is in Spanish here [https://gum.co/columnacervical3Dor [URL=“http://drjcnunezm.selz.com”]http://drjcnunezm.selz.comAll my new tutorials are in English in my Youtube Channel [URL=“https://www.youtube.com/Drjcnunezm”]https://www.youtube.com/Drjcnunezm](https://gum.co/columnacervical3D)Thanks…
This is the BPR Progression for the final Cervical Spine Model in Stand

Some techniques for the C2 vertebrae sculpting process using Move, Dynamesh with InsertCylinder for vertebral foramen, Polish, Alphas for the pores of the bone and MatCapSkeleton Material

More techniques for C3 to C7 vertebrae using ZRemesher, Primitives, duplicate, transpose + Command for duplication and BPR

<object type=“cosymantecnisbfw” cotype=“cs” id=“SILOBFWOBJECTID” style=“width: 0px; height: 0px; display: block;”></object>



