work in progress of a toon type charcter
[attach=138909]scooter_300.jpg[/attach] [attach=138910]scooter_zbrush.jpg[/attach]
update with poly paint
in case your wondering>> he’s a sheep/human hybrid!
my kids love him needs a good pose though
A sheep/human hybrid? Someone must have been awfully lonely up in those quiet woods of Maine.LOL
Wolfie, I’m not surprised your kids love him. They probably would love to eat him! Okay, so it’s a quiet Monday here. Sorry for the lame jokes.
LOL! funnny!:lol:
took him into lightwave for a test, first time i’ve tried displacements in lightwave.
quick turntable in lightwave
Hey, those displacements look pretty good. Was it difficult to get them into Lightwave? I remember it used to be a lot of steps to get them correct.
It’s pretty easy using the displacement node in the node editor.
yeah the only thing to NOTE extra from that vid are :
1.DO NOT use psd for displacement in lightwave as the mesh will ‘explode’ convert or save to tif and it will work okay.
2. the multiply node is the distance the displacement will move/expand the mesh in my example character just over 2m’s tall had a displacement scale of 0.25
Thanks much for the information, cresshead, and dustinbrown!