
Saving masks as alpha, artefacts

Hello once again.
I have been having and issue with saving masks as alphas.
I draw a mask hit make alpha and the resultant alpha has missing parts.
see pic.
The mesh show in pic does this no matter what, whether how its was created or re-meshed.
mask from poly paint same thing.
any clues would be appreciated.
many thanks.

Hello @MrCat

“Mask by Alpha” requires UVs and is just like applying any other texture. If there’s an issue with the display, I would look to your UVs. Getting a look at the topology in the problem areas here would probably be helpful as well.

Hi Spyndel
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions yet again:grinning:
Attached is pic of a remesh topo and the number grid texture.

Quick question. In the posted example, it looks like you are simply trying to mask everything. Is the saved alpha necessary in this case?

Polygrouping should be your first resort for trying to isolate parts of your mesh you would like to be able to quickly hide or mask. Saving an alpha would be for very complex masking that polygroups are not adequate to handle.

Otherwise, I don’t see any obvious issues. I haven’t seen what is going on with your UV layout, but you can test to see if it’s an issue with your UVs by duplicating the tool, and applying a new set of UVs. Use a different method than your previous mesh to ensure the results are different . For instance, if you unwrapped that mesh with UV Master, use Tool > UV Map > Create > PUV tiles. You just need some quick functional UVs that are different from your previous. Perform your masking and alpha operations again.

If the issue persists with a new set of UVs, you may need to explain how you are applying the masks.

Thanks for your reply.
I masked the lot purely to show the effect, the actual mask would be way more involved.
The polygroup thing has given me an idea, maybe poly group from mask , isolate and mask by intersection. hmm
Had very little experience with with all the uv stuff not gotten into it as yet , not needed too.
Main reason for all this is to make libraries of parts [as i am going along] for use on other models or variations.
The thing has around 200 individual scales thus far, so nice to be able to mod things and re project unlike making it from wax…
Using zbrush is like a game of chess you think you are on a home run then check! gotta back up without going backwards to move forwards again:thinking:
I do appreciate you help even if i appear a bit dense at times:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well tried intersection masking no joy either, followed tuts tried different meshes from my rays models just got a few spots of masking but no intersection.:thinking: