I found my myself with some free time on my hands, and thought I would start a project that has been on my mind since I first played Battle Chess when I was a kid… I am concepting designing and modeling 32 unique characters for an epic battle chess set. I am incorporating different Playing Card Motifs into each quadrant of the board (white clubs, diamonds, black hearts, spades), as well as having unique “cultural” aesthetics, in this case The Black Hearts deal in dark magic and voodoo.
This is Ruk. The Black Queens of Hearts Rook.
Ruk is a Dark Druid, keeper of a vast mangrove swamp. His communing with the darker forces in the swamps has made his body take on the twisted gnarled forms of the Mangroves. He travels on a tangle of roots that always rises to meet his step. Powerful, durable and loyal to the Black Queen, his swamps form an impregnable wall that few armies can challenge.
Or something like that.
I have concepts and progress shots for this and other characters over on myfacebook page… If your interested in seeing how this evolved.
I will eventually be 3D printing these. But I am trying to gauge interest in a kickstarter, I would love to finish this project and that would allow me to do it fulltime. I’d really like to hear any thoughts anyone might have on that… Thanks for looking.