
Retopology technique for Hard surface in Zremesher

Hello, I was searching for a retopology technique for Hard surface. Which will be easy and most importantly less time consuming. And I have created a technique in Zbrush which really fits my needs. I am using Zremesher for that. So here are the 3 part tut:






Heres the play list:


Here is another demonstration abot Hard Surface modeling topology technique. See how easy it is!..This is a demonstration about how easily hard surface topolgy can be made within a minimum time with maximum detail with minimum polygon counts. It takes only 14 minutes and 36 seconds to do the job for this piece. The dynamesh was 574,661 polygons and the retopo contains only 6365 polygons. after clearing it in Maya 2014 it has only 2,000 polygons! It is obviously animation friendly and fits with VFX and Game pipeline.

*Please watch the description for the tut. Thanks. Happy Zbrushing.

How well do you think that zremesher is for unwrapping stuff for hard surface? Could I see what it looks like after you did a bit of a clean up in maya :slight_smile: I use maya also

Hello, Meathelix. Sorry for late reply.
Here is the result:
Cleaning up the object in maya makes 539 polygons. Then I have gone to Zbrush exporting this cleaned obj. Used Zbrush UV master. As its an organiic topo, so its quite easy to decide the flow for UV master. it Took 2seconds. BTW I subdivided it 2 times to see the flow is right in subd 3. But It is not must. Then back to subdiv 1 in zbrush and export it back to maya and see the UV editor for the fresh piece. I have used Subdiv 3 preview in maya.

What about more hard surface type, like building’s ect things with more of a rectangle shape. I am just thinking if I should go into modo for my hard surface or just zbrush and do most of the work in there.

I use Zbrush mostly for HD sort of geometry where detailing that high is essential. Otherwise its a wise decision to make simple geometries in general 3d Apps, where sculpting or conceptualization can be done with simple sketches and with old school box extruding methods. As a VFX artist I always try to optimize my poly counts to a minimum.

With Zbrush’s newer set of tools it’s being used more and more for concept sculpts and sketches. Using a more artistic approach instead of the old-school technical way of 3D modeling. It’s very quick and easy to both concept the general idea and sculpt detail as necessary or variations. There’s nothing wrong with the old way, but you’d be surprised what can be done in Zbrush and very quickly.

Yes Indeed…In fact When I need to doddle now a days, I go to zbrush and do some concepts pretty easily with amazing detail. I am just talking about something like a flat building or low detail objects. Extra detail can ruin the image of simplicity in a film I think.

Any ideas what happened to the videos and playlist? Thanks.