

Hello, every one .This is my budding works.The China of 80 time, full of youth spirit… On a sunny morning, after breakfast, father for the child in pre- school preparation, the child in an unfortunate injury in the head, this experience can only to bear their own , myself feel, oneself feeling.Father with great care will be that wound up just as the children of a childlike innocence and retained
I hope you will like this picture.



May i ask where zbrush was used and which renderer did u use, this is beautiful!!! VERY WELL DONE!!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

great everything, must be a top row! i would like to see some wireframes, but ill wait…i dont want the magic and beautiful of this shot disappear so quickly

This is sooo good!
It looks like a photo!
I love the story behind it, and I think many people will look at this and get their own interpretation of it.
5 star & Top Row work! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
How much was Zbrush? Some wip shots would be good.
Well done.


Wonderfull Really like them all!!
Great Clothing and light!


Nice work!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Lovely piece. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

I love the atmosphere of the scene ! Great job on this

Wowzi! Colors and atmosphere are great in this image! Very well done! I love your attention to detail with the poster and all the other stuff in the background :slight_smile:


luoxin, this is an incredibly beautiful work of art. It brought tears to my eyes when I read your description.

I don’t even want to talk about the amazing render or any of the technical aspects because I am just so moved by this image you have made.

Thank you so much for sharing.


The table… the chair on the right…
Nevermind, IMO this goes to the toprow.
Lot of potential on this image.

The atmosphere and lighting are wonderful. Please share more.

It should be top row immediately. It brought to mind the old Norman Rockwell’s and that is a high compliment.

Thanks for your reply.



xin zai goodjob:lol:


yes i like very much. what a touching scene. the wound is confusing, to me, but the feeling, the emotion in the picture is very clear. wonderful work, great lightning , and most of all, best mood and storytelling in an image i have seen. thanks for sharing.

same here great image just dont understand the lacing the kids head up like shoes before school ???

See now, that’s what I like about this piece; it’s so tender and moving, and yet there’s also a weirdness to it. It raises questions for the viewer that can either be confusing, or lead them to draw their own conclusions.

All I know is that the strange horror of that wound and the way it is being tended to amplifies that tenderness for me; it hints at dire circumstances and an unthinkably horrible moment, but contextualizes it in such a placid scene, putting the terrible incident in the past without explaining it so that we are just left with the picture of a father doing his best to minimize the “footprint” left on the boy’s life by the tragedy. No doubt, the father is horrified and disgusted by his poor son’s wound, but never allows the boy to see that.

The strange, almost alien quality of the wound just highlights the way it feels for a parent to have to see something bad happen to their child that’s beyond their control, and then to have to find the strength to deal with that and maintain a sense of normality for the child as well.

At least, that’s how it reads for me. :slight_smile: