
Question: mask by polygroup,affects two groups Why?

Hi all I’m testing the tool “by POLYGROUP mask” with the slider to100. but this one affects two groups at once. Still do not understand why?. It would be helpful if someone could help me with this doubt.
Annex pictures
this is what happens. The yellow and red group are affected and what I want is that it only affects one.

I wish I could do it as in this picture I found on internet


Masking sharpness depends on the resolution of the mesh. The less mesh resolution you have, the more blurred the edges of the mask will be. I don’t understand why you are using a mask in this situation anyway, if you already have polygroups. All you have to do is hide the other polygroups if you don’t want them affected. Hiding the other polygroups will give you the results like you see in the small image you posted. Mind you, this method isn’t “perfect” either, as everything has limitations, but it’s a better alternative than using masking. IMO

thanks for your answer.
This is a test I’m making for the opcion, Masking by Polygroup.
this is link: http://www.pixologic.com/docs/index.php/Polygroups_and_Masking

Well, the procedure is defined with control + shift, this makes appear a green box, the unselected mesh will hidden, then i´ll apply a polygroup and then use the mask tool by polygroup option, the help say that this tool I can manipulate the groups automatically. this is for hard surfaces …

My question is for the Masking by Polygroup , this option says that it uses the masks automatically. thus i don’t hide portions of the mesh…
In the Internet imagen, there used the tool and it works, but, to me, does not work as it affects my two groups.

many thanks, your cooperation is very valuable to me.

OK, there was a bit of confusion because of the way you had written your question. I didn’t understand that it was “Automasking” that you were talking about. You should have said, “Brush > Automasking > Mask By Polygroups” instead of "tool “by POLYGROUP mask” ". My apologies for the misunderstanding.

I think the process that is in the small image you posted was not achieved by “Brush > Automasking > Mask By Polygroups”. It was simply that half of the sphere was hidden (2.) and then the visible half was masked (3.), then the other half unhidden (4.) and then sculpted on (5.) then the mask cleared (Result).

thank you very much, your helpbigresolveda question