
Question about Zproject Texture

Hi,I am the new one come to this forum,and I have a lot of questions, here is the big one that I can’t handle it, so I need your help.
I did the lessen of Zproject Texture step by step, but I got the wrong results it looks like I can’ t project, here is the pic so help me, thanks so much about that.2.jpg





I’m not sure what is going wrong for you. Did you:
1)Select White in the Color palette and press Color: Fill Object to begin PolyPainting
2)Press ‘W’ on the keyboard to enter Transpose, click on the Mesh first then drag towards the part of the image you want to use as the Source?

yes I did it by the lessen step by step but I just can project the pic behind the model, I can’t project the pic where I want it to be.

Looking at your images more closely I think that you are trying to choose the area before selecting the ZProject brush. Make sure this is the order:

  1. Place the background image.

  2. Draw your model on the canvas and enter Edit mode (‘T’). Make sure only the subtool you want to paint is visible (all other eye icons are off in the subtool list).

  3. Select white color and press Color>Fill Object.

  4. Select the ZProject Brush. Turn off ZAdd. Make sure RGB is on.

  5. Press ‘Move’ or keyboard ‘W’ to show the Transpose action line. Draw a line from your object to the image.

  6. Press ‘Draw’ or keyboard ‘Q’. You should now be able to paint on your model.

I see you have the DragRect stroke selected. Although you can use this I think the Dots stroke is easier.


Thank you so much for helping me, and I don’t know what to say, any way thank you thousand times.:slight_smile:

Thats helped me out a lot too. Thanks. 2 questions I would like to ask though.

If the source image isnt an exact fit for the mesh…how do I line up the texture to the model…I remember seeing a tutorial ages ago where you could maniuplate the cloned texture to line up with your mesh exactly…

Once I have finished cloning my texture over to my model, how do I go about turning that into a proper texture that I can export ? Im guessing it is the button Col>Txr ?

