
Problems With Exporting Textures From Zbrush(V3.1)

Can anyone help me with this please, i’m working on my first zbursh model so i’m not too familiar with errors or anomalies with exporting textures and normal maps. You can see the 2 places where the texture isn’t lining up correctly, at the hand grip and where the blade hits the hilt, the anomaly is also effecting the normal map.
Can anybody tell me how to fix the texture and normal map so it exports correctly.
The Base model was made in 3d max 9. 210 polygons in the model.
I used the zbrush AUV unwrap system for this model. (version 3.1 of zbrush)


This for a college assignment, its the main characters sword for use in a engine i’m trying out.




Glenn B

AUV Tiles will put all UVs ontop of each other, this is bad for normal maps because literally every single uv is overlaping.
Use either UVTiles (all UV equal size) or GUVTiles (same as UVTiles but ordered into groups).
Also looks like you need to export you mesh from ZB back to Max so the UVs are the same.
Note: When you export from ZB3 under the “Preferences” menu go to “importexport” tab and uncheck all the “flip” buttons. Then under the “Tool” menu go to the “export” tab and check “Mrg” and uncheck “Grp” basically this will ensure that your UVs remain together and the right way up.

Hope this helps




Thanks for the help, but it still isn’t working. the GUVtile seems to have the same texture and nomal map result. and i tried the UVtile but its not coming out the same way as the tumbnail you attached, for me its just coming out as if all the uv’s are overlapping each other.

and i have been using the base mesh from zbrush in 3d max so its not that the mesh is different from the zbrush base mesh.

To me, judging from the images of your model, the problem is UV related. Maybe you should map them in max.
BTW make sure you flipp the textures vertically before you export them from ZB.