
Predator Head

Hello, Its been a looooong time since posting anything on here. Just got Z3 last week and today was my first time being able to test it out. I’m loving the subtools as well as the retopo… anywhoo, Heres a head I did of one of my favorite creatures. The base mesh was done in Silo a while ago and I figured he was a good candidate for testing out subtools as well as the new brushes. Still alot more work to be done on him. Hope you like and I’ll probably need painting tips down the line.






Looks awsome, I just got Z3 too, and haven’t posted anything for what seems like eons, i have new wind in my sails with z3. Keep up the good work, can’t wait to see it painted you have tried the pixel painting right? awsome!

Thanks! I know what you mean, Z3 really got me stoked as well. I haven’t tried pixel painting…I don’t really know what it is, YET.

Excellent start on this. Are you going to do a full body or just a bust?

Thank you, for this one I’m gonna’ keep it as a bust. The photo reference I used as my orthographs came from a full-size bust from Sideshow collectibles. I do have another Pred I’ve modeled that’s a full body. He’s the Elder from the end of Predator 2. Somewhere down the line I want to model some aromor for that one.

Hey an Elder? Give us a peek of him as well…maybe?

Sure:) Here He is, with normal maps applied. Unfortunately, my computer couldn’t handle another subdivision level in Z2 so I couldn’t get all the detail I wanted in the normal map :frowning:



An Update on my predator. I redid the body but the head is the same as the one above. The body was based on orthographs of a real bodybulder from that 3D.sk site. More to come



Very nice. Probly what they would look like if it were not a guy under all that latex.

Here are some renders I did using Mental Ray. This is my first time ever rendering a displacement map with a color map to boot. I didn’t quite get the same level of sharpness in Mental Ray that I had in Zbrush. Any crits and tips welcome :slight_smile:

Looking very close to the statuet they made of the Pred when they were going to show them coming out a cryo liquid chamber. Sadly the scene was dropped.

Exactly!:smiley: that was the exact reference I used. from that making-of book. In the meantime, a small update (literally) just did colormaps and rendered it with the eyes.

Very good Predator! Do you think to do also che armor? Yes? :wink: :+1:

I have begun doing armor for him. Hard surface isn’t my strongest point but I can do it, although any tips on mechanical modeling are more than welcome.

:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
One of my fav characters! This looks amazing. I LOVE ZBRUSH!

PLEASE KEEP POSTING UPDATES!!! :smiley: :smiley:

Look forward to the updates!

After a looooooooong while (and after seeing AVP-R) I decided to rework my predator head basemesh to model “Wolf” this is a 5402 poly mesh done in Maya with a normal map and color map applied, both generated in Zbrush. He still needs dreadlocks tho

Hey nice to see this. Nice update. Love to see this animated in Maya.

Dude these are lovely predators And “wolf” is amazing
But i was Wondering: I have recently perchased Maya but i dont know anything about it so if you couls give me some tips and pointers that would be great thanks :smiley:

I love how you have one of his mandibles burned off from a war wound of some kind.