
Polygroup Auto Groups or PolyGroupIt colors too similar

I hope this is a preference somewhere I missed and I do not think it used to be like this before but whenever I use Auto Group or Polygroup it… the colors are so close together that it often looks like nothing has happened

In this example both parts did separate using PolyGroupIt but due to the similar colors I often find my self checking if the lines I’ve drawn have gaps in them for example.

It seems that colors are now given in order of likeliness:

Hope there is some way to fix this! Thanks for any help!

Hi @Tristan_Bethe Welcome to ZBrush Central!

I can’t comment on Polygroupit because I haven’t used it but, with Auto Groups, you can just keep clicking the button until you get a color combination that is suitable. Also, make sure that “Polyfill Color Saturation” in “Preferences > Draw” is set to 100. Hope that helps!

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To add to what @zber2 has said, you can also use Tool>Polygroups>ReGroupVisible to change the colors. (Note that this will also work with a partially visible mesh to create new polygroups at the borders.)

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Hi Zebr & Marcus,

Thanks for the tips. @zebr2 I clicking the same button again works sometimes indeed. Also I guess I can select one group and isolate it and give it another color. @marcus_civis regroupVisible is also an option but it seems to just shift the color pallet but keeps the colors close to each other:


What I would love is an option of how it used to work: complete random colors. Maybe its more of a feature request if there is no real solution. I can work around it now that I know.

Main practical issue with it is that it my look pretty but its not that useful.

In my workflow in working with 3d scans I often have one object separated in polygroups by an automated process like autogroup or polygroupit where zbrush does something and gives me the result.

In the past if two parts where the same color something has gone wrong on my side. For example 2 parts that needed to be split by autogroup where still connected by a few polies or the line I’ve drawn was interrupted in case of polygroupit leading me to search and spend time.

Now I have to click and try to isolate parts to see if they are not just 2 colors incredibly close together. I guess a small thing in the scheme of things but a regression in my view without any benefit I can see.

It was talking to colleagues mentioning the same thing I decided to ask for a solution since it was not only me having the issue. I’ll add it as feature request somewhere for sure.

Thanks for taking the time to help!