
Piggy's sketchbook 2010

I guess I should start my own sketchbook to keep track with my progress. Hopefully i will get enough critics from the community to make me a better modeler.

they are all quick sketches for now, usually took me around 1-2 days to get these results… My main goal at the moment is to get comfortable with add/changing forms in zbrush. I will probably get into the more difficult aspect once i am ready.

quick sketch during my day off earlier this month… Please dont mind the dress… It’s kind of …off, but i mainly just wnat to put it here to see the overall design.


my take on hellboy after watching the film on showcase

casual sketches:










just a day off sketch for fun. Original concept by Imaginism’s bizarro totoro…



Very cool stuff.

Love the last head, figure, and Imaginism creature in particular.

I very much like the design of the first post. hope you’ll take it further :slight_smile:

that cgi hellboy rocks great job

Floydshayvious: Thank you :smiley: Yes, imaginism’s totoro design is awesome.

Julian_K: Thank you Julian. Unfortunately those works are just sketches, and I don’t really want to spend anymore time on them. Currently i am just trying to get use to zbrush by doing as many models as i can while improving the quality of them each time.

Kingsley: Thx. Glad you like it

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I am sorry guys… I know there are way too many hulks in this cg community, but i can’t resist to model my first hulk as an anatomy study… Hope you guys like it. Unlike the previous works, i will probably spend a couple weeks on them, and see how far i can push it. This means there will be pores, cloths, wrinkles, transpose, renders, etc etc…

Because of that, any critic you can give on this piece would be greatly appreciate.

hey good start.
His body needs to be much bigger/muscly though. Try to get your proportions right before you move more levels up. His hands look quite bulky now and I am assuming you didn’t work much on the legs yet.
You got some nice sketches, you have a good sense for forms…keep it up.

so far my only comment is that the forearm/wrist/hand area doesnt fit in with the rest of his body proportions. just looks a bit odd that that is the only part of him that is super deformed as the Hulk. but everyone has their own version of Hulk so keep it up!

you only need to bulk up the muscles if conceptually thats what your going for. personally i like the look. its got a classic feel to it. nice work.

d_lavega: Thank you for your comment. They are very useful and I am trying to look into it seriously. In fact, I had already made some change base on your critic because I also agree with them.

yes, i didn't work too much on the leg.. I spent most of my time on the face and arms for most of my models, and i have yet seriously study the human leg anatomy... :D robertrageson: Thank you. I intentionally made his hands and wrist bigger because i want to see how far i can push it before it looks werid. I am going to tone down those areas bit by bit until i find the comfort zone. But concept wise, I do want to leave his hands bigger than normal. mjolnir: thank you. I was going for a less bulky hulk at the begining, but then looking at the first body after a day of rest, it does look a bit lean especially when the character is hulk. So I adjust the proportion a bit yesterday. Hopefully the new one is better than the old one. [dec_18_sketch.jpg[/ATT]%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3C/font%3E"] ](http://%3Cfont%20color=%22#9A9A9A%22%3E[ATT=230547)

Here is a great drawing of the Hulk.
Good luck with it.



Thx Brandon :smiley: I saw that reference last night too, it’s quite an awesome piece of work and would make a great reference :smiley:




good stuff

[dec20_hulk.jpg[/ATT]%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3C/font%3E"]dec20_hulk.jpg%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3Cbr%20/%3E%0A%3C/font%3E"] ](http://%3Cfont%20color=%22#9A9A9A%22%3E[ATT=230767)

Good good. :+1:

this looks promising! keep em coming!!

Hey piggy, great stuff you got here.
Your anatomy is really improving.

BTW you were right, scott anatomy book is great :slight_smile:

Thx guys.

Here’s the latest version… just some minor touch up. Doesn’t really feel like Hulk but probably too late to play with the proportion at this stage… Probably wrap it up before the end of the year and start a new model…

any comments? especially on that bad things on this model.




the anatomy of the torso is looking good. the feet need more work. the toes seemt o be missing a digit or two. perhaps the feet can be made a bit bigger .

Not too shabby.

A couple of things I noticed right off.
Arms are too long. Legs are too short.
Right now he can touch his knees without having to bend over.

You can change the proportions right now pretty easily inside of Zbrush…and on that note, I would bulk/hulk him up a bit more. He is built like a bodybuilder right now, which is good, but he needs to be more than just that. I mean, is he only kinda angry right now? :stuck_out_tongue: