More work on my manticore model, and a rough first scene.
The wings havent been added yet to this version.
model workup so far.
Phew! Amazing Multimarker Magic!
Nice job, model workup… and spectacular render, Poisen. Your style is distinctive.
Wow! That’s so amazing. This is such a great piece, very dramatic lighting. I really like the red eyes, and the B&W contrast. The only thing I can see to add to this is a dark shadow underneath the foreground creature. The change from light to dark is harsh, giving the appearance that the light is coming down directly from above, so I think there should be a dark shadow underneath the main creature in the front. Just a suggestion though.
Very cool work!
Very nice. Just the right amount of detail, posing and composition.
The use of multimarker is also pretty impressive.
Good work
Your style is so distinctive and bold, like intricate pen and ink work. Looking forward to following this thread.
Yes, VERY interesting ZB-expirience
very innovative design in all your works! This is one of those I like most! Great detail and impressive feeling for multimarker! The way you design the environment is one of most intersting ones. I would be interested in how long it takes for you get this result. I´m also curious about how the scene looks in fast render mode.
Maybe one thing: I have the feeling that there is a little problem with the perspective. The creature´s back seems to be a bit high. But maybe I´m wrong there.
Congratulation, you did great work here!
Man, I woke up, took a shower, visited Z-brush central and got startled by the hardcore creature made by poisensoul.
the tree is beautiful
It is said before: Great picture ,Great style
thanks for your comments everyone!, im glad you like it.
im not done with it yet, im going for a really large final image that im going to print, the pack animal image is only 2000X2000, prob go the full resolution on the final.
Heres a pic of the rider for the little beast.
“Froyd” its a variation on pixolaters landscaping tute, mainly its all detailed planes laid out into the Z Axis.
with the fog turned on and blacked out to give it depth.
then its just laying out your “detailing brushes”=“whatever your using for scenery”, then using the planes for z placement information.
doesnt take long at all.
rough placement and test render. “just to see if he would even fit”
That is a hellacious match up…love your style and modeling…press onward…a very enjoyable progression.
what else can i say???
Really neat style and very beautiful.
Heres my final render for the night, with some post work,
Thanks for all your comments,they mean alot and keep me going.
Great stuff. I really like the materials.