
Orc Choppa!


---------------------------------- Hey all been working on a new character. He is loosely based upon an orc concept in the World of Warcraft Art Book. I'm currently going through the detail pass so I can generate some normal maps. As you can see some area's haven't been detailed at all yet (side daggers, back axe, shoulder strap, back cloth, back dagger..). The face is also in a very early sculpting state. This model will be cut down for game res. ;) ![Blademaster_021.jpg|1161x600](upload://zAs9dNOWA0zJsloTUXXYLYL8MTu.jpeg) Crits and Comments welcome! -Toasty





awesome work man, i bought that book a couple of years back and ur model is based from a blademaster concept sketch if i remember correctly. i’d love to see close up of the face wen ur done detailing it :slight_smile:

great sculpting, love the character overall looks awsome and good work on detailing on the body, id like to see a close up of the head and some new poses :+1: :+1: i think it will top row when texured if ur planning on texture.cant wait to see it done i really like orcs infact was my favorate in WoW! oh try to put up some wireframe on ther :wink: btw i think his neck and head should lean a bit down and forward litle tiny more and shoulders up litle and maybe add a single shoulder pad :wink: :+1: :+1:

20 bux says this makes it to the top row.

cool character. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great job you´ve done toastman. I´m inlove with the detail you have in there. five stars from me :eek:

great details, i like that side daggers a lot (want the same :lol:)


woo pretty beefy, this is turning out great. I really like the weight to it all. Everythign feels nice and rugged and worn, great work.

I think it would benefit from a little less symmetry in terms of the props - now it’s the same armour on both hands, same daggers on both sides… kinda makes it less interesting and not entirely convincing since he’d have a mighty hard time reaching for that axe with those blades on both hands :wink: . Great start on the sculpting :+1:

Thanks for the comments all! oh… and some pretty stars!

Phrost - yes your correct, he is based upon the Blademaster concept I just thought the name Choppa had more of a ring to it

Zbmaster I’ll get that close up of the head up soon. He would definitely benefit from leaning him over more. I’ll try that out, when I lock down a bit more of the armour and weapons. I’ll post some wireframes as soon as I’ve retopo’d the mesh for ingame resolution.

skinnybonez what only $20?.. cheap… ahah

jmturbo, Leshiy3d, gnowledge thanks!

Intervain I highly agree with you about him benefiting from being less symmetrical. At an earlier stage I had the 2 wrist blades like below, but I just got lazy, and mirrored one blade to the other side! haha. I’ll look into making them more unique again. The axe on the back is just a bit of overkill. I’m pretty sure solid metal armour, 2 wrist blades, 2 side daggers, 1 back dagger and a big head choppa axe would encumber almost anyone in real life. I agree it doesn’t make sense how he could reach or even hold it with the wrist blades. Perhaps he would have to remove them first? hehe





Hey buddy You have done very good sculpting on the Orc character.

I am also working on an Orc character :slight_smile:

I love the shape of his belly armor. Really nice job with the armor detail as well.
Can’t wait to see him finished up and in a pose. Keep it up!!

skinnybonez what only $20?.. cheap… ahah

hehe…yeah…i’m a po’ mofo :slight_smile: …but i’d be 20 richer :smiley:

I am really liking the hands and feet, those toe nails are lovely :-). That armour has a brilliant detail level and looks nice and solid, and the fact that your putting the little details like the stitching into this is commendable. Keep this up its exciting :slight_smile:


Arran J Lewis

just a small update. I’m getting over a lazy week and actually starting to want to work again :stuck_out_tongue:

first pass head detail




That’s a great orc you’ve built there. Love the body armour and his sideburns. :smiley:

Hi peoples… I’m sorry to ask such a stupid question…

How does one update/reload a texture in ZB 3.1 after changes have been made in photoshop? I did a quick search and it appears the LIVE texture update has been removed from version 3.0 or 3.1. What is the work around? Importing the texture everytime you update in photoshop?? what effect does this have on memory/ virtual memory when having a dozen or more instances of the same texture?

lol such a simple thing… but it’s got me stumped.

I’ve posted the question in the Questions & Troubleshooting Forum but it doesn’t seem to get too many people looking at it.

Thanks in advance!

Ok cool Aurick was gracious enough to answer this for me. Looks like I have to import the texture each time! Bit of a shame we don’t have a reload active texture button/script/plugin to save time on a very repeative task…(hint hint talented scripters and pluging guru’s!) hehe

link to aurick’s answer

Nice update bro.

I like the little detailings on hands and feet.

I think the top of hand fingers from front side are always have tight skin:o
But here they are not looking that type. I learn the anatomy of the orc. Because I also have to make this in my project :smiley: And your Thread is really helping me to understand it.

Waiting for updates…

wow! thats awesome man! im a big orc fan, so this was a great thing to see :slight_smile:
did you do all the modelling just in zbrush or in conjunction with another program (maya or something?)
i really dig the armour and wrist cuff things. ive been trying out stuff like that in zbrush, and im battling to get that kind of thickness (both from mesh extractions or topo stuff)…any hints?

keep up the killer work dude.

Hey fella, this looks incredible. Keep it up! One question though, for the armor parts, did you mesh extract any of them or just made them in a 3D package? Very good work ill watch this thread.