OK. My file has been corrupted! This displeases me greatly. I did not
get a chance to finish this guy off. Hopefully I can get a bit
further using some Photoshop trickery to work on his shoulders. Blarg!
Incremental Save is now officially turned ON!
Stuff like that sucks :(. I back-up all my stuff every few weeks. Recently bought a USB 3 Backup drive (2 TB) which was under $200. It auto backs up everything. I would really suggest this to everyone, hard-drives rarely last many years with constant use.
As for your work, he looks good. Hard to crit when you can’t change him much. I am sure your next piece will be even better though!
I think he looks great… I feel your pain when losing some of the works man…
Thanks, SolidSnakeXXX! That means a lot coming from you. I really like your sketch book.
Tobbeo. I am going to get a backup hard drive tonight!
Oh no! that sucks dude. but then again, i am sure there isnt a single person on this forum who hasnt gone through what you went through. we all feel your pain.
Thanks for all of your condolences! I managed to clean him up a bit in Photoshop. Guess I have to call it done and done at this point. Lesson learned. Back up, back up and back up some more!