
normal map detailing problem

hello ,

i made 1 character in maya and then unwrapped it and bring it in zbrush,
i have given detailing to it and create a normal map in zmapper ( with level 1 , level 2 and level 3 ) but As increase level while created normal map and then applied in maya character ( maya tangent space normal ) quality reduce as per increasing level in zbrush

level 1 has good quality but some trouble the ( which i pointed in screen shot )

level 2 quality reduce but trouble area have gone

level 3 quality became worst but trouble arena have totally gone.

i need good quality but no trouble

Please let me know how can i fix it

normal map problem.jpg

In ZMapper you must increase the setting for the Raycasting Max Scan Distance. It’s on one of ZMapper’s tabs. This is no longer necessary with ZBrush 3.5.