
NoBrainNoBrain's first wip: medieval soldier

Hi guys

first post here, so let me introduce myself: I’m NoBrainNoBrain, i’m from France, and i’m actually Phd student in virtual reality. I work on 3D modeling during my free time for several years.
here is my first wip on zbcentral (i’ve waited a long time before posting here, because the global level of the users here is absolutely amazing)

so i’ve made this medieval soldier (not a cool hero, just a low class soldier :smiley: ) using lightwave for the basemesh and dynamic simulation (to create the chainmail), ad then i switched to zbrush for sculpting and details.


hope you like it, and of course, comments, crits, and suggestions are welcome!





The eyes are a bit too high up, but when you put the helmet on it solves it. :slight_smile:
That is an awesome chain mail! How did you do it?

Also, is that hard leather armor?

thanks for your comment

yes, to be honnest, i started by the helmet modeling, and then, I’ve made the head using it as a proportion reference. It could explain the strangeness of the upper part of the face :slight_smile:

regarding the chainmail, it’s pretty simple:
-modeling a low polygon pattern for the global shape (around 200 poly)
-create a single square patch made of rings (about 100 rings)
-duplicate this patch on each polygon of the pattern
-calculate a dynamic cloth simulation on the pattern, to make it fits the head shape (used lightwave, but can be done using almost every software)
-apply the same deformations to the high def chainmail

if written a tutorial about this method: http://www.3dvf.com/forum/3dvf/Ateliers/4/lightwave-clothfx-maille-sujet_56_1.htm

it’s in french, but i can eventually translate it into english if you’re interrested.

the armor is indeed a hard leather one. I haven’t applied leather bump for now, i’m currently working exclusively on the head

hi all,

small update: i’ve worked on the wrinkles, and added some bump details
still need some work on the micro details
the face is shorter too, i think it’s better now.




how did you make the chainmail? i tried giving it a go and made a pretty big sheet of it and then i put dynamics on it to make it fall onto my character and it the computer crashed trying to compute all the rings!!!

could you tell me how you did it? or if you have a tutorial about it somewhere?

Nice work, congratulations!!! See ya!!!


how stupid of me to not read your post before asking lol

Hi Nobrainnobrain, your model is quite nice. To all who respond to an invitation to criticize a model. Surely you are all aware that there is a “range” of variation in facial characteristics, i.e size of eyes, distance of eyes from mouth, size of nose, length of chin. So why is it that every now and then people criticize someone’s work as if they are judging the Miss Universe contest and attempt to apply “ideal” beauty standards? Please consider that maybe the artist knows that the eyes are too small, or too large, maybe it is all a part of the design.

Nice work. My only suggestion would be to put a padded arming cap underneath the helmet. That will fill in the gap between the helmet and the chain mail. Maybe not even the whole cap just the edges that would show.

Yeah, that’s a great suggestion by michael. :slight_smile:

NobrainNobrain, that’s a very clever and yet simple idea for the chainmail, awesome :+1:

Yeah, the head looks much better. When you mentioned that you worked from the helmet first only then I did notice that the head compared to the helmet was too big.

“So why is it that every now and then people criticize someone’s work as if they are judging the Miss Universe contest and attempt to apply “ideal” beauty standards?”
Hi, nergal. Well, what you were referring to was more graphical and pictorial. Ie. you’re making a caricature, then hell yeah, you even HAVE to make the head really long if the person you’re drawing has a dolichocephalic complexion. If you are making a realistic piece, in the realms of realism, which this work belongs to more, then you cannot distort the head too much, as people will notice that something is off, that the ‘design’ that you mentioned, doesn’t really work.
It’s simple as that.

In a more advanced level, though, sometimes you have to make distortions, but they are never witnessed as being ‘off’.

NoBrain, you’re eyebrows need to be modelled in, as this is really noticeable in the current views. They look like feminine brows, they also look really close to the hard leather bumps that you made. :slight_smile:
But it’s looking like a nice work. I like this expression, the ready attitude.

are you saying in Light Wave you made a square patch of Chain mail and then repeated it and THEN brought it into Zbrush? I’m assuming you jsut moved it into place with either LW or ZB tools…

@SadamHu: :smiley:

@Stefanuto: thanks a lot! love your T-rex

@nergal: you’re right, but i think i’m not good enough to consider i know perfectly human anatomy. In my case, if there is some anatomic strangeness, it’s a mistake from me :slight_smile: So for sure, everybody is free to criticize the model… As long as i’m not good enough to say it’s a question of “artistic choice” :wink:

@michael32766: yep, good idea. I’ll give a try

@Litho: lol yeah, the eyebrows are just temporary ones for now. But you"re mistaken: i haven’t used any alpha for modeling it, i just used the standard brush, and made many slices on this area. :wink:
Anyway, i will work on it, but i’m still not sure what’s the best way to achieve it: should i bump the texture’s eyebrows, or should i give a try using any fur plugin ?

@varek3d: not exactly. I just made a high def “camail” (don’t know the english word) in a neutral shape, using chainmail patches. Then, i’ve applied the dynamic simulation on it (using lightwave), to make it fits the head’s shape. After that, i’ve OBJ-exported the final highdef chainmail shape, so that i can use it as a final subtool in zbrush

there’s still some sculpting work, especially on the clothes (the sleeves are actually pretty bad). And then, i’ll texture it (Dear pixologic, to complete this task, i will need a zb3.5 compliant zapplink :slight_smile: )
hope i will have some time to work on it this week-end… May be :wink:

thanks all !


Here’s a reference for the eyebrows. They have volume. :slight_smile:

Yeah, good idea for the sleeves!

thx litho, i’ll take a look in due course :wink:

altough i don’t have much time these days, i’ve worked a bit on this soldier.

i’ve done small modifications on the wrinkles, turned off the matcap for a standard material, and completely restarted the sleeves (even if i’m not sure about the accuracy of my approach)

any comment/advise about the sleeves?


The folds are too even and similar. Drapery does have some specific stress points, and folds are created towards them and whatever.
For example, there might be a stress line on the very top, from shoulder to neck, because that is the place where the clothes hang down from. Since it’s more stressed there (by the hanging weight of the rest of the shirt), that place may be very plain, without folds, and some sort of vertical folds appearing from the chest area upwards. Just an example, try looking at your shirt in the mirror, might be better than my explanation ; D

It is a nice piece, and since you’re still working on it, I hope it gets even better! :+1:

okay, here is a brand new shirt, with new folds :smiley:

i think it’s better, but still need some detailing work

i changed a bit the lower lip too, several people told me it would look better


don’t pay attention to the armor’s bump, it’s just a random noise :wink:

hi all

i’ts been quite a long time since i’ve not worked on this model. It’s time to get back to business !

i’ve changed a lot of details on modeling, and i still have to enhance some parts. Anyway, i’ve made a quick texture for fun


hope you like it…

he looks a little sun burned bro ^^

nose and cheeks look smooth, more bumpage needed?

argh, you’re completely right. I’m looking it from my work computer, and it appears scarily oversaturated on this monitor.
I seriously need to calibrate my personnal screen :confused:

Great work :slight_smile: