
No More Wine - Tribute(WIP)

Heya all!

So this is a tribute to Simon Blanc’s image No More Wine.
I watched the tutorial and thought it would be good practice.

This is just a snapshot of 5 hours work. Im still working on the head geo
and the arm, and the torso… yah that pretty much all of it haha!

I am also thinking of adding a hat, tho that’s pretty much outside my comfort zone, but hey, no other way to learn aye?

hope you have some ideas/suggestions for this one.


Here is a small update before bedtime.

added a arm and a bottle of rum and threw out the pipe, it did not work.

hope u like.




So heres hows the picture is going right now :slight_smile:

i have the whole figure pretty much established. The lower part, especially the boot is still in the works. But i think it should be ready for Polypainting
by tomorrow if i am not to busy with rigging at school (rigging really sounds more fun than it is :stuck_out_tongue: )




Great humor in this piece, can’t wait to see more!