That’s beautiful Rikard, a wonderful modern painterly portrait feel!
Definitely go with the moustache version (that’s how I’ve seen him live
If I had a choice, I’d have him with a little more expression in the eyes and brows, but it’s a really wonderful piece… congrats and welcome!
You know, i keep looking at it and i think it could be headed for the top row… easily good enough! Wonderful
Awesome model. But i think you will need to tweak with the rendering. Waaay too yellow.
lookin very good so far. are you by chance using the skinplus shader???
RawSunlight: Wow, thanks. Yes, I’ll add the moustache in Modo. You’re right, the eyes and brows could use some work.
joe55: Thanks.
~TLishman: Yes, it is a bit yellow. I actually did that on purpose in post and I might have overdone it a bit. I still haven’t decided what look I want, but below is an image that is much more closer to the raw render.
nerveink: Thanks. No, I’m using Modo for rendering and I’ve made the shader myself, if you could call it that in Modo.
Still not sure about the likeness though, but I just can’t see what’s what anymore. Would you say that you recognize him? What needs to be changed to get the render to look more like the person?
Hi. Here’s a small update. I made some clothes, added a moustache and tweaked some settings.
The eyes, hair and clothes still need more work. Any feedback appreciated, likeness/render/details/anything.
this is coming along very nicely. Much more appropriate skin shader on the last shot. I think once you get some finer hairs overall, it will help a lot. It is a bit distracting now, especially the eyelashes and the hairline.
keep us updated
You’re right about the hair thickness, Beneto, thanks. I’ll fix it in my next tweaking session.
Ok. For those still watching, here’s an update. Many small fixes. Cheers!
Feedback appreciated.