
New Head WIP

Hi there, this is my new head WIP for my short film. Done some test animation and is working well so far. Still need hair… and a body etc

Thank again to those who have help with my many questions.


Some animation stills, and corrections.




Hi coye,

I like the way this guy is shaping up. The personality is realy comming though, the textures and shader are great. The blue T-shirt is putting me off but I’m sure that is just temp. You do need to throw some light at him though and maybe back off the specular a bit (unless he is meant to be sweaty;)). I would love to see him moving keep the updates comming, great stuff!

I like him. I agree about the specular. I’m looking forward to seeing him animated!

Thanks guys,

Yeah the blue thing is just a low poly block he’s mounted on. The story involves the character running through muddy swamps so, yeah, he’s sweaty and I will dirty him up depending on the scene.

I do have quite a few test animations that I have done (these are frames above that I have pulled out) but not to sure how I will show them yet… any ideas??

Thanks for your feedback.

More tests with movement


Really cool!

…the animation :cool:

Still working out how to show animation tests Ive done, in the meantime, heres a new render.


Thanks Andrew for the lighting:)

He’s looking really good mate. Andrew’s done a good job on the lighting too. Very moody :slight_smile:

Well done :smiley:

If I could make one crit, it’s that his brown eyes seem a little too red but that might just be the lighting :wink:

In terms off showing those test renders, maybe youtube or google video is an option?

Thanks mate,

Yeah, a bit pink, Ive since made a back light map.

Will post some new results soon

Nice …the SSs looks good

Thanks mate, Melbourne’s my home town, always nice to see Melbournites on these posts.

Really like your Amphibious guy. Awesome stuff.
