Hi everyone
This is my first post here, so I guess I’ll introduce myself shortly.
My name is Bartlomiej Plociennik but everybody calls me Bob, I’m 21, I started my hobby which is sculpting miniatures in a traditional way when I was about 12 / 13 yers old, so almost ten years ago, then I started taking comissions for it and it all became more than just a hobby. Over a year ago I got to conclusion that traditional sculpting has no real future in this industry, because digital modeling is much faster (sometimes even as much as five times) and more precise, and 3D printing technology is at the stage now, when we can print highly detailed 30mm model with almost no flaws whatsoever. So I started learning Zbrush, I established my own company Nemesis Art Studio, I signed contract with Prodos Games few months back and now here I am, sharing some of my works.
Of course I cannot show you them all, there is way too much, but from now on I will post here everything they let me at Prodos, and with no doubt I’ll throw something of my personal projects from time to time. And if you want to dig in my past a little and see more of my miniatures both sculpted in Zbrush, and some in clay, feel free to check out my fb page:
Back to the topic, here are some of my previous works: